From Mr. David's Desk 5/10/24

School Meeting saw all the staff and students gather together, minus the infants, and was filled with music this week. The program included a beautiful piano solo by Lower Elementary student Scarlett Chen, who opened the meeting by playing a flawless rendition of "The Wagtail," by Friedrich Burgmüller. That was followed by a group song from Miss Hana, “Sarasponda,” a traditional Dutch folk tune, including hand motions with partners. Upper Elementary students Joanna Chen, Henry Johnson, Amar Rowell, Adlai Steigman, and AJ Wu ably taught everyone the movements as we enjoyed the playful lyrics. Scarlett and Vivian Chen read a Shel Silverstein poem, “Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too.” Kennedy Nance, Yasmine Benayad, and Kaya Purcell shared writing they had done in Pre-Primary 1 about their mothers and what makes them special. We finished with the whole group singing, “I’ve Got the Whole World in My Hands.” It was a lovely way to start the day and an inviting setting for students to begin to practice their public speaking skills, share their talents, and enjoy community together. It’s quickly become a Torit tradition.

Now, as we turn to the weekend, a shout out to the moms! Maybe you’ve seen my all-time favorite Mothers Day video, a “job interview” that will bring tears to your eyes. Even if you’re familiar with it, I encourage you to rewatch it and think of your mom. No matter the composition of your family, someone played this role, and many of you are fulfilling it now. Thanks for all you do! I hope you and your family spend some happy time together this weekend and that gratitude is in abundance on Sunday.