Montessori Preschool and Kindergarten

The Preprimary Years

Early Preschool: Beginning around 2.10 years old
Preschool: Beginning around 3 years old
Kindergarten: 5 years old
(All ages by September 1)

Your child’s social, emotional, and academic growth is as important to us as it is to you. That’s why our classrooms are led by Montessori trained teachers and assistants, who pay close attention to your child’s progress, and guide them through the three-year Montessori cycle, culminating in Kindergarten. Literacy, math, science, art, literacy, math and social studies are introduced to them at age-appropriate levels, laying a solid foundation for future learning, and opening their mind to the wider world. As they moves through the years exploring materials and curriculum and making friends, they’re being carefully and confidently guided into and prepared for the Elementary years, beginning in first grade. Throughout the three-year cycle, they are learning at his own pace, cooperating and playing with friends, and enjoying plenty of music, art, and outdoor time woven into each day. 

Click Here to read more about the Preprimary program

Learn about Montessori kindergarten.

Literacy practice allows students to learn at their own pace and develop a solid understanding of language.

Literacy practice allows students to learn at their own pace and develop a solid understanding of language.

Montessori materials are a staple in our math curriculum, and the 45 Layout is a favorite activity.

Montessori materials are a staple in our math curriculum, and the 45 Layout is a favorite activity.

Introduction to languages such as Arabic, Mandarin and Spanish is a key feature of a Torit education.

Introduction to languages such as Arabic, Mandarin, and Spanish is a key feature of a Torit education.

Writing, drawing, music and art, and sometimes cooking are regular activities for students, as is social time with friends.

Writing, drawing, music and art, and sometimes cooking are regular activities for students, as is social time with friends.

Grace, courtesy and hospitality are endemic to our classroom experience, especially in evidence during Mothers’ Day Tea and Fathers’ Day Tea.

Grace, courtesy and hospitality are endemic to our classroom experience.

Banner, top left and middle center photos by Nycebutterfly Photography