A new Torit tradition began this week with our first school meeting. We’ll endeavor to meet at least every other week to build Torit spirit and give students the opportunity to develop public speaking skills and comfort in front of a group. This time, Upper Elementary students began the meeting leading their peers in the Montessori peace prayer. I spoke on the importance of gathering together. Lower Elementary students shared details about how an eclipse happens and PP1 and PP2 sang a song in Spanish that Ms. Natalia had taught them. Ms. Karina shared facts about her homeland and led us in a Brazilian dance, and Ms. Hana, our interim music teacher, led “Skip to my Lou” with partner dancing. It was fun to gather the whole school in one space and realize this small but mighty community opens doors for so many.
At the parent coffee this week, the attendees and I talked about the importance of unplugging and getting outside, especially as the weather warms. One exciting opportunity is Monday’s eclipse, which begins at about 2:00 pm and ends around 4:30 pm. We’re cautious about viewing the eclipse. That said, we have ordered ISO 12312-2 eclipse glasses for use by elementary-age children in the extended day program. For younger students, if your schedule allows, we encourage you to pick up at regular dismissal time and view the eclipse as a family. Otherwise, we’ll keep to our normal afternoon routines for most kids. If you have concerns about your child viewing the eclipse at school, please contact me.
Another way to enjoy spring is with a bird walk in the Public Garden. Treat it like a visual and auditory treasure hunt with your kids, which will help them pay attention and stay focused. To help, check out the Merlin Bird ID app from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Its photo and sound ID features will reveal a range of beautiful spring migratory birds that pass through Boston. Last year in April, I heard birds like the Common Yellowthroat, Northern Parula, and American Redstart just minutes from Torit. If there’s interest, I’m happy to lead a Torit bird walk for parents after drop off. Just email me and we’ll set something up when we return from spring break.