From Mr. David’s Desk 3/15/24

Thursday saw two fun Torit events, a pop-up celebration of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, where students in elementary grades greeted everyone at drop off with dates and milk, the traditional means of breaking each day’s fast (usually after sunset). Ms. Dounia’s students explained the meaning of the holiday, which is about reflection, community, and prayer, and the customs associated with the month. They wished everyone “Ramadan Mubarak,” or “blessed Ramadan.” Ask them to share their Arabic speaking and writing skills with you!

We also celebrated Pi Day, March 14, or 3/14. The mathematical symbol for 3.141592653…, π is a “constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter” (Wikipedia). Pi Day has become a fun way to celebrate math around us and eat pizza pies, thanks to Chef Lisa and Berto. Faculty enjoyed apple, blueberry, mixed berry, and strawberry rhubarb pies to mark the day.

At our faculty meeting earlier this week, we had the opportunity to hear from Dr. Lauren Orefice, mother of Eloise in Young Toddlers, who spoke to the staff about touch processing, her area of research as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology at MGH and the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Orefice noted that the sensorial emphasis of Torit’s Montessori curriculum was an important factor in her decision to enroll her daughter here. She studies the interactions between touch, emotional health, and behavior. The talk was fascinating as we learned about the relationship between touch, gut health, and anxiety later in life as well as the value of learning through touch for Torit students and all young children. Torit’s focus on exploring the classroom environment, the use of Montessori materials, and children’s development and maturation over time aligned with Dr. Orefice’s work, and she emphasized the value of Torit's program to the healthy growth of our students. You can learn more about Dr. Orefice and her work at