From Mr. Davids Desk 2/9/24

“My child said they can be a dust pan but not a broom yet,”  a mom shared with the group gathered at the parent coffee this week. “Funny,” we thought. “Imaginative kid.” But the mom went on to explain that for their classroom jobs, the 3 year olds were allowed to hold the dust pans while the Kindergarteners swept debris with the broom. Each child had a role, a job they eagerly looked forward to. Each child was needed for a task that benefitted the group.

“We all deserve to be known and needed.” That’s one of my core values as an educator. Whether it’s being the dust pan or the broom, the baby bather, or the vacuum wielder, or the pet walker, kids love taking on responsibilities. As parents, we have to prepare them for the job, and then turn over duties. I’ve heard it said that when learning a new medical procedure, residents “see one, do one, teach one.” Whether 3 or 33, that’s how we all learn and grow.

Torit gives students responsibility, whether for classroom tasks or academic pursuits. Our oldest students, for example, take ERBs and ISEEs, standardized tests that allow them to apply what they’re learning here at Torit on normed exams. While I’m no fan of teaching to the test, I recognize that our students need to meet those standards. I’m happy to say that many of our kids exceed them. We have the data to show that the Torit approach is superior to the public schools and outpaces New England independent school norms as well. All that sweeping as a 5 year old leads to an internalized work ethic and intellectual approach which serves students well for years to come.

My hope is that families will join Torit early and stay through Upper Elementary, and maybe beyond. As I first mentioned in my Opening of School remarks last fall, a small, innovative, nimble middle school may be in our future. Please read this piece in this week’s Beacon Hill Times for further information, and contact Liz or David if you’d like details. An info session on Zoom is scheduled for Thursday, February 29 at 4:00 PM. It will be recorded.


David Liebmann

Head of School